Citizen Science

I think it would be very fun to make an app dedicated to conducting and sharing the results of citizen science.

How does it work?

Let's consider a simple experiment -- are people happier later in the day? First, Eric Experimenter would come to Citizen Science to design an experiment. Eric decides on a design where Polly Participant will take a questionnaire with one question once a day at a random time.

Once Eric Experimenter has finalized his design, he submits it to the platform for participatipant selection. Eric spends 20 "tokens" which he has purchased, or earned by partipating in previous studies for other experimenters, to get 20 data points in his study.

Polly Participant enrolls in Eric's experiment. She has her own study where she wants participants to take pictures of the night sky and is trying to earn "credits". Polly fills out the survey 5 times over the next 5 days as one participant in a 4 person study.

Eric receives the results with early analysis performed on his behalf. This analysis, and any other additional analysis Eric performs is publicly shared on Citizen Science.

Use Cases